It is best to email us for assistance. During the off season, we do not monitor the phone as much as we do the email address.
Phone: 573-808-1288 | Email:
Feel free to message us with any questions or comments. We will do our best to get back with you quickly
Anyone wishing to attend the festival will follow posted signs along the following route:
From Columbia direction: Hwy 63 South to Route A. This is approximately 4-5 miles past the Ashland exit. From Route A go south on Old Highway 63. Veer right onto North Mt. Pleasant Road and continue south. Follow North Mt. Pleasant Road south and continue on it as it changes to South Mt. Pleasant Road. Veer right onto Soft Pit Hill Road. Continue on Soft Pit Hill Road until it changes to Hartsburg Bottom Road. Continue west on Hartsburg Bottom Road until you reach Bush Landing Road. Turn right on Bush Landing Road and you will be directed to the parking area.
From Jefferson City direction: Hwy 63 North to Sunco station on West side of highway. Sunco is the next left after Claysville Rd intersection. If you get to Ashland, you have gone to far. Once you turn at Sunco, you will make an immediate left onto South Mt Pleasant Rd. You will follow this road until you veer right onto Soft Pit Hill Road. Continue on Soft Pit Hill Road until it changes to Hartsburg Bottom Road. Continue west on Hartsburg Bottom Road until you reach Bush Landing Road.
Upon leaving the festival you will be directed west and north on River Road. Continue traveling north on River Road until you reach Route M in Wilton. Turn right on Route M and follow it through Ashland back to Highway 63.
Route A will be closed to festival traffic with the exception of motorcycles. Christian School Road will be closed to festival traffic. Both Route A and Christian School will be open to local traffic while the festival is operating.